Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter 6- Sci-Fi

Harry Potter is still going strong. It is one of the most popular movies of the summer. HP 6 is entertaining the whole way through! Full of action packed adventure. A bunch of spells and lots of laughs is the way this movie goes. HP is the chosen one in this movie and most go back and fix the past that is a lie. Since the cast is getting older they added a few love potions and jokes about raging hormones. I would definitely recommend this movie. The trilogy just gets better and better. Although it differs a little from the book like most movies do.
I give it an 8.5 movie reels out of ten!


  1. i wasnt sure i wanted to see his movie untill i read this blog thanks

  2. Wow. Is Harry Potter up to its 6th year. Still going strong.

  3. It was amazing...can't wait to see it again!
